Grace Everlasting Romania

"Spreading the Gospel, protecting the fatherless"

I was Born July 21, 1957, raised in central Indiana and graduated from Pendleton Heights High School in 1975. After graduation I operated a 500-acre grain farm until 1982 At the age of 21 I was invited by my neighbor to attend services at Grace Baptist Church in Anderson Indiana were I heard the gospel message and excepted Christ as my Savior and then was baptized.

At age 25 I was married and moved to Northern Indiana where I began work at local machine shops and started raising a family. As the years went by the Lord gave us 4 children. I continued to work as a machinist and in the ministries of our local church.

My wife and I were very comfortable with our lives when the Lord changed everything. In September of 1999 at our home church mission conference, the Lord spoke to our hearts about missions. After much prayer and 2 ½ years of deputation we were sent out by Grace Baptist Church and arrived in Romania on March 28th, 2003.

Keith Price- Testimony

Brenda Price - Testimony

At the age of six, I heard the Gospel preached and knew that I was a sinner. On the way home from church, I asked my father how to get saved. That night I knelt beside my bed and prayed that the Lord would forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. A year later I followed in believer's baptism. I was also raised in a Christian home where we attended church and I had the opportunity to serve the Lord in many different areas.

At age 19 I met and married my husband, Keith. Together we raised four children and were delighted to serve in our local church. The Lord first spoke to my heart about missions years before we arrived. Looking back I see how the Lord was molding me in preparation to serve Him full-time on the mission field.

The Lord placed Romania on both our hearts and after deputation we sold our home & vehicles, packed our bags, and moved to our new home across the ocean.